The default is probably bad for you
Observe the products in your home:
- Your shampoo advertise that your hair will become lustrous, but the product contains allergens like artificial colour and fragrance.
- Your computer may be fast and cheap, but it also comes with toxins like mercury, lead, and bromine.
- Your breakfast cereal may have no added sugar, but it is seasoned with artificial sweetener.
- Your dinner is a stew of meat from animals feed with antibiotics, and vegetables that are genetically modified to stay alive in the soup of chemicals that killed every other living thing on the field.
You cannot just pick any default, big-name product that is on display. You have to be a very conscious consumer, and have an education in eco-toxicology, to choose the products that are better.
No matter what product category you consider, the default is properly bad for you, or for the people that produced it, or for the environment were chemicals are dumped.
How did we arrive here?